Monday, September 7, 2009

so great to just be........

Gawd! My wife took me out to breakfast this morning, I outdid myself.. eggs over medium, bacon crisp, fried potatoes, and biscuits and sausage gravy..
Now I'm back lying  down with Mac, after a great shower.. and all is right with the world.. got at least three of the dogs with me.. it's sunny and cool out side.. fan is on me inside.. couldn't be better.. work tomorrow, but thats tomorrow.. Smidgen, our little red Italian greyhound just did a nostril check, thats where she peaks around my shoulder and tries unsuccessfully to stick her little pointy mussel up my nostril.. sniffing nothing good tries the other one.. very cute...
We are a house of dogs and a cat.. dogs are all Italian greyhounds.. and quite a little pack.. one tuxedo cat, who is very happy to be the only cat around now that Piewacket has passed.. She was the most beautiful Old World Siamese (her blue eyes were not crossed), she had, what I can only describe as banded whiskers.. they started out white 1/2" then black 1/2" then white, then black, alternating to about 4" in overall length.. with a lovely sable coat.. she was about seventeen.. we miss her, even Taddie, who used to torment her misses her.. he looked for her for days..
A three day weekend is such a pleasure.. I am going on HuLu shortly to catch up on "Warehouse 13" and "Dollhouse" two of my favorites.. I would really like to watch "Pride and Prejudice" with Collin Firth which is a real favorite of mine, but my wife gets tired of watching it. Aw Well...
Work tomorrow.. front desk, emergency room.. so I think one could see why I like a three day weekend.. A reprise, so great to just be........    

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Progressive Democrats of America click HERE to sign the petition. We can not be silent. We must not go quietly into the night and not be heard. We have to speak out and support these legistlative action alerts. We are going to show those who are in doubt, that progressive ideals are not dead. And we will stand steadfast for the democratic legislative process. Registered & Protected