Saturday, September 17, 2011


Hi all, i am writing to report that my cognitive testing is completed and i scored above average to superior in all areas for someone my age.. So that is the good news.. i am still weak, and working on an incline bike at the gym to build up my stamina.. 
I am still just as odd as ever, but oh, i did get a diagnosis of PTSD.. so some of things remain the same.. we are having trouble finding a female psychiatrist for me to treat the PTSD, which comes from my childhood.. yes, it stays with you even when you get really old.. 
Now remember, i have had 15 plus years of therapy already.. but even with all of that i still have black or blank areas in my memory… there is good and bad in this, because i remember some things i would rather not, and you never know when a blank or black area of memory, will become clear, and come to the forefront of my memory… and this is not always a plus……
You may have noticed, that i said female psychiatrist, and not male.. well if you have followed me for any length of time, you will have noticed i do not think very highly of men.. everything is a p………g contest, i just can't handle it.. their attitude is so foreign to me.. their continued degradation of women.. pathetic.. their fear and stupidity regarding  gays and lesbians.. i just don't know how to tell you, how these attitudes make me angry...
i can only stand a very few men..  i have one follower who knows who he is and does not have these kinds of issues.. yes Alan.. i think you are so far above so many men.. anyway, i have to stop going in this direction because it tends to raise my blood pressure..
My internist feels my thyroid level is way off, and is causing some of my problems.. so we are adjusting it.. all in all, i am working toward a healthier me... Registered & Protected